Making Game Walkthrough Video

Having fun by playing game is a great idea indeed. There is no way for you to be unable to feel the amusement whenever you are playing the game. Tons of games are out there and there are also so many ways to play them including several kinds of gaming console. If you are a true gamer, you will surely want to play the most up to date games since you want to stay updated as well and you also want to prove that you always follow the latest games.

Sometimes, you might also want to have competition with your friends like to show certain achievements during playing the game. Take the example of who can reach the highest level first. Of course, it will surely add the excitement in playing the game. It will be more competitive indeed. However, whenever you get certain achievements, you need to show the proof to your friends or you want to make some kind of guidance for the other people about how to gain such achievements. Without any doubt, if you make such guidance, those people will surely be thankful especially if the achievements are really hard to get. How to make such guidance or walkthrough for the game so the other people can learn about it? The best way is to make video about the steps you do during playing the game.

There are so many kinds of video recording software which can capture every moment of your game playing. You can also edit the video later so it can be more attractive and clearer for the audiences later on. Whenever everything has been done, you will surely find it relieving and amusing. It is the time to upload your video to the internet thus the people can start watching it. However, you might find that your walkthrough video is too big in its size. Therefore, it might be hard for you to upload it. There is nothing you must do but to compress video using certain software or help. can become your great help. Even though you are compressing your video so the size will be smaller but the quality of the video will be maintained for sure.

Future Prediction about News and Publishing

In these recent months, the existence of electronics news app that can be accessed by using smartphone, including iPhone raise a kind of future prediction which is related to news and also publishing. It is predicted that in the future, news and publishing will be delivered more by using smartphone apps instead of using some other traditional means to deliver news and other info which is needed to be published. This kind of prediction is of course the one that does not come to surface just because of the existence of the apps only. Instead, it is also because of the fact that actually the apps are accepted quite well by so many people in all over the world.

One example of app that can be used as a proof that a new way to publish news is accepted quite well by people from so many societies around the globe is called as Electropages. This app is the one built to be used in iPhone. It is still not known whether it will be available for other smartphones including Android or not. This app can be said to be a very good proof that the new publishing is quite preferable because in about a year after it is released in Apple Store to be downloaded by iPhone users, it is calculated that the number of download of this app reaches a quite high level which is of course fantastic. The number of download which is meant previously is approximately 52K downloads. For an app, a huge number of downloads like that can be said as a quite great success.

For your info, the app that we are talking about here is actually something provided by publishers as a way to increase the number of traffic of their web pages. The fact that an example of the app is downloaded by a huge number of people seems to be an indicator that in the future, this kind of publishing, which is the one using app as the medium, is a type that will be more popular among people and of course publishers.